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Romeo juliet movie download If you can forge currency anything else under the sun is game.. We tried to see how the number had changed and the best suggestion that we came up with was that the firmware pcb may have been changed but this was unlikely.. I have been given a couple of SCSI hard drives though this question may apply to any disk.
Now, for those who do not know what that last term means: In general, block devices are devices that store or hold data.. Device 1 name and corresponding serial number: lsblk --nodeps -o name,serial output: NAME SERIAL sda 400917BA30 sdb 400917BA96 add -n if you don't want to print the header line: lsblk --nodeps -no name,serial output: sda 400917BA30 sdb 400917BA96 Pass device as argument to get only the serial number of a specific device: lsblk --nodeps -no serial /dev/sda output: 400917BA30 Keep in mind lsblk lists information about all available (or the specified) block devices.. I think these guys may be on to something but not sure if it developed further Thanks again to all.. When you misstate facts you make yourself look like an idiot to the people who are familiar with the facts.
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You can change the GUID the Harddrive serial number and any other number on any machine.. Please, please, please stop speaking on matters which you do not know about If you do not know if the hardware serial number can be change just say you do not know do not make yourself look unintelligent on the matter by misstating facts.. Baum tools mercedes Let me help you identify an example of device hardware manipulation: cable boxes dummies. unarc.dll error code 7 download
Feb 18, 2013 Been somehow changed Does anyone know how to change the serial number of a hard drive, in Windows or Linux? I would be very grateful.. I deal with wiping disks all the time but I have found that the serial numbers on these drives in no way relates to the ones printed on them.. Jan 07, 2018 Out of curiosity, did the person give you any reason why they wanted to change the serial number? View this 'Best Answer' in the replies below » Popular Topics in General Hardware.. I write wipe the drives 3 times but the serial numbers stay the same I can only guess that the serial is in some hardware on the outside of the disk like a ROM chip and that this has been somehow changed.. These particular ones came out of a server rack Over 130 of them the serial number corresponded to the printed label, and 5 did not.. And if you do not believe me then do a query in the justice system and read the thousands of police reports collect on criminals caught with modified cable boxes for quick cash.. Dragon 'Think before you act' Thank you all for your input, to follow up on the repllies.. I am sure that the S/N is stored in the firmware As to why, we sell on hard drives that are wiped and people generally expect serial numbers to match. cea114251b What Editing Software Do Youtubers Use For Mac